Baby aloe plants!
The plant pictured here is quite a prolific little mama! It was repotted a few months ago and has now produced 4 off-shoots. Soon it will be time to divide the babies out. What a great project for an ESL Literacy class.
1. Discuss the plant using the 5 senses. How does it look? How does it feel? How does it smell?
2. Discuss the medicinal uses of this plant. Is it from the students' countries? Break a piece off and discuss some more
3. Outline step by step the procedure for dividing the plants. Follow the instructions as a class. Take photos along the way. Print the photos and have the students tell you what happened at each step. Read. Copy. Cut and sequence the sentences. Match the sentences to the photos. Create a cloze exercise in which students can listen and write from memory or by copying from a word bank.
4. Students take turns presenting a narrative on what they did in this activity.
5. Track the growth of the new plants in class. Create a chart to write the date and measurement weekly or monthly.